82 Gladstone Road Parnell82 Gladstone Road, for Gladstone Trust. The existing mix-use building at 82 Gladstone Road, designed by JCY in 2001, has been extended with a new second floor office which replaces the original roof garden looking out across the city.
The new office marries seamlessly with the existing façade; glass curtain walling to the street and a full length tiled deck along the northern elevation. All the new metal balustrades to the staircase and the deck match the existing.
The opportunity was taken to revamp the upper levels of the building by removing the sliding timber louvres and reclad the main entrance wall; giving the building a more contemporary finish.
The overall project cost was $1million.
The result is a clean, simple building with a new second floor office that looks like it has always been part of the building. |